Saturday, December 1, 2012

How to Publish Your Own Articles Through the Internet

One of the fastest ways to be seen as an expert in any area is to publish articles with links to your website. The faster you are seen as an expert and by effectively using opt-in methods your list will grow very quickly. As your list grows so will your sales. Of course, as sales grow so do your profits.

To write your article think about whom you want to read your article. Write in terms that your audience will understand. Next choose your keywords very carefully. There are tools on the internet that will assist you in choosing keywords. Next write your article title. Make sure to include your keyword in the title. Stay focused while writing.

The first way to publish your own articles on the internet is to set up a website. Before you start publishing articles you really need to have established a website where you can point your viewers to. Make sure your web page has an opt-in box to build your list. One great way to encourage viewers to opt-in is to offer a free eBook. Also consider offering a free newsletter which is another great way to publish your articles.

After you have these things in place then start offering your articles to free article submission sites. By some reports there are over 500 such sites on the internet. I am listing my top 10 here. You will need to check out the requirements of each site so I am also including their web address. When submitting makes sure articles make sure and include links to your website.

1. EzineArticles

2. GoArticles

3. Article Dashboard

4. Search Warp

5. ArticleBase

6. Buzzle

7. Article City

8. Article Sphere

9. Content Desk

10. Web World

When submitting articles the first thing you will be asked to write at most sites is an article description. It should be kept brief and get the reader's attention. The more attention grabbing it is the more likely it is that someone will click on the link and read the whole article. Make sure that your description accurately describes your article. Do not include information about your business here.

There are many places that you can submit the articles that you have published and each will help build your list of potential customers. Write an attention grabbing headline, a great article description and a focused article. The best place to publish any article is on your own website and in your own newsletter. Make sure and include links to your website with your article submissions. Then submit it to various article submission sites being sure to follow their guidelines. Soon you will be seen as an expert in your field. Then your profits will really grow.

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   

Ezine Marketing - Making The Most From The Single Ad

The web is growing in numbers too big to imagine and new methods and methods are created daily to help Web marketers bring in visitors to generate sales. But even today, some of the old, tried and tested promotional methods like solo advertising in ezines work. Solo ads are a great method to reach out to your target marketplace in the shortest quantity of time. Getting visitors from search engines for instance can take a lengthy time and methods like pay per click advertising require you to have a big spending budget. That is why ezine advertising is such an outstanding option - especially if you are just getting started. This article discusses three tips that can assist you make your ezine marketing efforts even much more effective.

First of all, keep in mind that each and every ad that you send out has to be professional. If your ads are poorly written or contain spelling errors, the people who see it will not take it seriously. Take the time to spell check and proofread all of your ads to weed out any errors. If your ad doesn't look professional, prospects who see it will not even give your product a chance, so pay attention to this. Make your prospects an offer they can't refuse in the event you really wish to get a main response from your ads. Create an excellent bonus package or provide as a fantastic way to accomplish this. Conversions will enhance greatly with an provide like this that generates a sense of urgency. Individuals like obtaining some thing totally free so they'll be motivated to respond to this provide. Creating a bonus for your provide is not truly hard, you are able to simply write an eBook or a unique report that can be given away to your clients when they respond to your ad and buy your product.

It's also important to test the response you obtain from various subject lines. Selecting the right subject line can improve your open rate. Your subject line needs to be a main emphasis to help maintain that open rate high. Your email's subject line here is crucial simply because if your ad doesn't get opened and read, the conversions will fall. Try to think of your subject line as the primary title, which ought to entice readers to open the email and discover more. You will see a higher impact with a solid subject line. In closing, maintain these simple tips in mind when you're working on your solo ad campaign and you'll get a better response. Anyone can approach an ezine owner and location an ad, but it's far more important to work out how you can increase your chances of success first. Solo ads can provide you outstanding results, but only if you are willing to put in just a little effort getting your campaign right initial.

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   

Another 5 Big AdSense No-No's

This is a continuation of a previous article titled '5 Big AdSense No-No's. Many web-masters, web site owners and bloggers use AdSense as a way to get an income from their sites. It's great because it very easy to set up, and once it's set up there's almost no work involved to keep it up. However, you have to make sure that you are doing everything that complies with Google's AdSense Terms of Service Agreement. Don't commit any of the following No-no's.

1. Keep everything white hat. That is internet marketing speak for 'keep everything legal and ethical'. The opposite of white hat is black-hat. This is anything spammy or intended to game the system. This may include

having hidden texts or links excessive out bounding links, Google recommends no more than 100. avoid link building with shady schemes as this will adversely effect your ranking. stay away form sneaky re-directs.

2. Don't create a website which is contravention of Google's prohibited list. It's a short list and it includes your usual: Porn, illegal drugs, hard core weapons and race hate etc.

3. Google is quite clear that you label your ads 'Sponsored Links' or 'Advertisements' and little else. Anything that is not blatantly clear might cause you trouble later on.

4. Never ever click on your own links. Google is excellent at catching culprits of this and other link bombing techniques and they won't stand for it. And neither should you.

5. Don't create sites that are blatant copies of other sites or are just rehashed Private Label Rights.

Google AdSense is a fantastic affiliate program. It's easy to set up and easy to continue. People know Google AdSense and are comfortable with it. Reward your visitors with great content and let Google reward you with some AdSense cheques!

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   5 Ways To Research Your Content For An Article Or Blog   

Functions of Article Submit Websites

Free article submission is fast becoming very popular, both for publicizing the writings of an author and to publicize a website as well. There are many article submit sites available, namely These sites host articles submitted by many users across the world. The articles are ranked as per the votes of the readers. There are numerous reasons for submitting articles to a free article hosting site. The most popular reason is to publicize one's writings. The website gives the writer a great platform to start working from. It provides ample amount of exposure which is required to develop oneself as a writer. Article submit websites are also great for popularizing a website. This is done by linking the articles to the website of the author. There are article directory sites that host free articles and categorize them as per their topics. It is important to know how these article directory sites work to increase the SEO or search engine optimization of another site. The owner of a website may write an article and link it up with his own website. The article is written on a certain keyword which in most cases is related to the topic of the author's website. The person who reads the article is directed to the website of the author. This is how the traffic to the author's website increases. Thus article submit is a great way to increase the traffic to a website.

There are many advantages of submitting an article to a free article submit website. If the article is well written and if it is written with a popular keyword then it is bound to be taken by a webmaster or web developer and posted on a website. As the article contains the link to the author's site, the traffic to the author's site also increases. If the articles by a writer become popular then it works as a cycle. Sometimes the writer becomes a regular to some blogs or websites; as a result the author's website also receives limelight. There are some pointers that come in handy while writing an article for the web. Though there are no specific rules about how to write an article, but some basic principles should be followed to make the article more attractive to the reader.

While writing an article for an article submit site, it is important to remember that choosing the right keyword is essential for the success of the article. The chosen keyword should be repeated multiple number of times throughout the article. Both long tail and short tailed keywords should be given due importance. Some of the web content writing techniques can also be used here. The articles should never be too lengthy. It should be direct and straightforward. The author should pay attention not to stray away from the topic of discussion. The usage of the correct words is very important. The language should be such that it is understood by everybody, neither should it sound trash.

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   Free Article Marketing Strategies for Savvy Marketers   

Start To Crush The Competition With Article Marketing

If you were thinking about spending your gainfully acquired money on something, would you wish to make that purchase from someone that you thought to be an expert, or from someone that you were not sure knew anything about what you were purchasing? You'd buy from the expert would you not? Nearly everybody would agree with you that it is better to buy from an expert.

That's the reason why in your MLM Business, it's totally vital to be a pro in the eyes of your clients and the people that may ultimately become part of your downline.

Article marketing is a technique to effectively build your reputation as an expert. It is simple to do and totally free (most of the time) and it's got a gigantic impact! A well-written article that's packed with good, solid info is the sort of an article that may find its way in front of probably many thousands of eyeballs! All these eyeballs could belong to future customers! Let's start at the beginning. How can article marketing make you an expert? It's completely straight forward, essentially. If you publish a good article online one that informs, helps and even entertains, people will read it and associate you with the subject of the tract.

If you publish more articles on the same subject or related subjects and people find those articles to be beneficial and fascinating, people will start to consider you as very knowledgeable about the subject. They can bounce between your articles and begin to build a great respect for you and also your data. Being an expert is an advantage, as we have debated.

Consider it. If you have a toothache, you're going to talk to your dentist about it because she is understood to be a leading figure on the simple way to handle toothaches. You are not going to ask your auto engineer about your toothache. In Multi-Level Marketing, the theory is the same. You have your business proposition and your products.

You are a leading figure on those things. One way to prove that to the general public and to gain the confidence of purchasers is through publishing many many articles that consistently buttress your image as an expert. I bet someone that is reading this is thinking, Oh, but I can not write articles! It is true that some individuals do not feel they have the talent they are talented at other stuff) to author an article.

A few individuals haven't got the time or wish to do it. This doesn't suggest that you should not use article promotion as a technique to build your reputation as an expert. What this implies is that you must get aid with coming up with articles. You own your very own business. You know your products in and out. You have a belief in your products. You are an expert! Because you can not or incline not to write your own articles doesn't take that away from you! Contemplate hiring a talented ghostwriter who will write the articles for you. You receive all rights to the text when you pay your ghostwriter, and then you'll publish the articles in your name! There's no problem with doing this, and in reality it proves that you know the way to profit from your own skills and let somebody else benefit from theirs! It's working smart!

Articles may be released in article directory websites on the web such as EzineAricles, Better Networker and the list goes on. You may publish them on your own internet site or blog too. You might want to mail them to the people on your e-mail list, or maybe allow a business associate to mail them to those on their list (keeping your own name and contact info hooked up to the draft). The point here is to utilize article marketing to your benefit. It's a good way to build your reputation as a trusted expert for your clients, a smart way to build traffic to your website, and a good way to build your business!

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   Increase Your Profits With Article Writing   

How to Make Money With Affiliate Marketing Using E-Zines

All too often people complicate issues when it comes to making money online. The reality is that it is far simpler than you might believe. Even if you do not have a website you can be up and running within a matter of minutes literally. The first step is to find out how to make money with affiliate marketing. Simply put affiliate marketing allows you to sell other people's products without even having your own website or having to carry stock, invest money or any other crazy things associated with getting into your own business. Then you are going to use article marketing to make money and you do not even have to do the work.

First step is to find something you can market. Many people find this step overwhelming however they should not as it is possible to sell anything even if you have no clue about what you are selling. While this sounds incredibly far-fetched it is true. You could choose to sell liquid minerals as an example and you could start today. Once you found such a company you will need to sign up with them and this takes all of five minutes. On signing up you will be give your very own website and you will be expected to go and market the website. When sales are made from that URL you will be credited with the sale and the company will pay you commission. The company will handle the order, shipping and collecting of money and you pick up the check. There can be nothing simpler.

Once you have found a mineral company to work with, the next step is to find someone to write articles for you. In case you are not sure what this is, it is a really simple concept. These people are experts in a variety of topics and will write killer articles for you about minerals so that people will read the reports and be inspired to buy the products from you. Copywriters as they are known, are considered to be expert authors and due to the nature of their work they are well versed in almost every topic known to man.

After the report has been written they will then submit the report to article submission websites. Some of these submission sites have as much as 30 million visitors per month and this is good news for you as a brand new affiliate marketer. One of the benefits of being able to submit to these directories is that the author is able to place a website in what is known as a resource box which is located at the bottom of the report. People who have read the report will then go to the website as they will expect to find more information on your website that the copywriter has placed in the resource box. This whole process can happen so fast that you can be having traffic to your website with twenty-four hours of becoming an affiliate.

All of this can happen without you having any knowledge of minerals, Internet marketing or anything else for that matter. Should you wish to do all of this yourself then it can take a matter of months before you are even receiving traffic. You will have to learn how to write quality reports yourself and this can be a time consuming process. Then you need to become rated as an expert author on the submission sites, this is quite an ordeal as their criteria are quite stringent and many people have their reports rejected. Rejected reports just means you are not even out of the starting blocks. To spend six months to get to this level has a huge cost attached to it as you need to spend time acquiring the skills to master this process and there is the lost opportunity cost of not making any sales during this learning period. Working with a copywriter means you are riding on their back so to speak as you are having an expert author promote your mineral products.

A smarter way to find out how to make money with affiliate marketing with the use of article marketing is to pay a professional to do it for you so that money comes in as fast as possible. When the money starts to roll in you can then think about taking six months to a year learning the skills you need to do it yourself or alternatively you can leave a winning formula be and just keep on picking the check up.

How Do I Get MY Articles Noticed Over the Competitions?   Internet Marketing Newsletter Creation for Your Small Business   Article Submission - Three Big Reasons To Submit Articles   2 Tips to Get More Ideas for Article Topics   8 Tips To Write Winning Articles   

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